“You need to get the 1st rank” this phrase might be known to many of you. Let me guess, your parents said it to you while you were preparing for your exams, right?
But think logically, how many people can come first in class?
Only one, right? That’s what gives the much desired “1st rank” its importance. Only ONE person is good enough to have it.
Let’s think of this with this analogy, Diamond is very much considered precious as not everyone has it, but everyone desires it, at least many do. Think about its value once everyone would have it. Would it have any value? The answer is a bold NO.
Then why do people run after this “1st rank” with so much passion when the chance of getting it is extremely low? The answer to this can be found in our most basic human tendency to “one-up” somebody or, in simpler words, be supreme and better than everyone else.
Now, let’s talk a little about that person who actually got the first Rank.
What did they get out of it?
A promotion, respect, love, fame, money?!
But remember, the next day, someone else might achieve it, and your “glory” will be long forgotten.
Please don’t misunderstand me; I don’t mean to say that you needn’t work for your goals because, in the end, it’s all for nothing. I’m saying you shouldn’t work to get that over-glorified “1st rank” or a status quo because you are setting yourself up for failure.
Someone smarter and better will eventually take your position. So don’t aim for the Rank; instead, arm yourself with something that nobody else can take away from you, something that will always help you in the long run, Knowledge.
Let’s understand this point better through this anecdote.
9 times 1 = 9
9 times 2 = 18
9 times 3 = 27
9 times 8 = 72
9 times 9 = 81
9 times 10 = 90
BUT in between all this, he wrote 9 times 6 = 56. All the children started to laugh at him for this mistake.
The teacher waited for the class to calm down and then said, “I made that mistake on purpose”. The kids responded, “But why would you do that”? The teacher replied, “I wrote the correct thing nine times, but you all didn’t notice that. You noticed that one mistake and made fun of me. This shows the way of humanity. You are not remembered for all the good things you did, but all your mistakes will always be remembered.”
Now, I know this sounds like a cheezy whatsapp story your parents might send you, but the point this story makes is EXTREMELY valid.
Your glory of getting the first Rank will last a few days at most, but the moment you fail, You will be KNOWN for that failure. The outside world is not forgiving. They will jump at every opportunity to put you down. And THAT is exactly why you need to base your self-worth on your KNOWLEDGE rather than a fickle thing such as a rank.
Before diving deeper into the concept, we need to differentiate Knowledge from education.
Our education system values the rankings more than our Knowledge. Don’t confuse learning with education. Learning increases and feasts your Knowledge and helps feed natural curiosity about the phenomena occurring in nature. Education is all about attending school from a very early age and eventually pursuing a degree to specialize in a particular field of interest. Google it if you want to!
Learning and getting educated are two very different things, and we need to learn, not merely get educated. However, education and learning are intertwined concepts to a great degree. So if you learn, then you WILL get educated. However, it may not be the other way round.
To elaborate on this further, let’s take the example of the Indian education system.
The education system’s values rank over Knowledge, as I said earlier, and that is why children are taught to acquire rank 1 in class and are taught to stay away from the kids not getting that good “ranks.”
There is a varying mindset in every parent, and they all want the best for their ward, but they don’t understand the fact that this leads to depression and anxiety in the child’s mind.
They are feared of the numbers that are after 5 or 10. Everyone, including relatives, tells us what to do to achieve rank 1.
Everyone promises large gifts, presents If performed well in tests, but no one tells what to do if they fail to feed their familial fetishes.
This is a huge reason for a widespread and very serious problem, student suicides.
Now that we know the extent of this problem let us discuss the “rat race.” What does it mean? How to get out of it?
A rat race is a way of life where people are caught up in a fiercely competitive struggle for nothing at the end.
It is an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit. The phrase equates humans to rats attempting to win a reward such as cheese in vain.
The rat race stems from the primary human mindset of earning more to sustain an extravagant lifestyle.
What most people don’t realize is that there is no REAL “cheese” at the end. Happiness is the ultimate “cheese” you can ask for, but that cant is found by this endless struggle.
So, how do we get out of this “rat race”?
1st of all, you need to know that you are entangled in a rat race.
Once you realize that, don’t run after the “rank” or the money, as at one point, everyone would get an equal chance to get these materialistic things. Take care of yourself. Feed your curiosity first instead of succumbing to all the worldly “pleasures” that are available everywhere. Ask “why” to yourself before committing to anything. Remove the greed from the equation.
I know it’s easy to write/say these things but extremely challenging actually to do them. You will face many challenges and many obstacles, but you will be happier at the end of the day.
Buddha once responded to “I WANT HAPPINESS.”
First, remove ‘I.’ That’s the ego you are getting rid of.
Then you need to remove ‘want’ that is the desire you are getting rid of.
Now you are left with happiness.
I believe I need not elaborate on this any further.
In the end, I would suggest stopping going behind ranks and value knowledge as Knowledge would teach you to handle the criticism when you face it while Rank won’t.
A Mercedes and a Honda both would bring you to the destination safely if driven safely.
A private yacht and a boat both would sink in a tsunami.
A person sitting in business class would also be killed in a plane crash as a person sitting in economy class.
How much wealth you amass during your lifetime, your haters would be happy during your death, and the ones who love you truly would miss you.
In the end, we get to a complete full stop, also known as DEATH ITSELF, which would occur to everyone.
So stop chasing ranks, go and spend time with people with Knowledge. Ranks would chase you.
Take a break from the rat race, participate in the race of life. Kind gestures and respect for others are what make you a great human, not just the clout you amassed.
Beautifully put!
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