The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson, debuted on Saturday during the DC Fandom virtual fan event. Directed by Matt Reeves, the film also stars Westworld’s Jeffrey Wright as detective James Gordon, Andy Serkis as Wayne’s butler Alfred, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Colin Farrell as Penguin Paul Dano as The Riddler.
It promises a dark and extravagantly violent iteration of the iconic superhero, which has been previously played by the likes of Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Christina Bale, and Ben Affleck.
The trailer opens with the arrest of The Riddler. Although we know the role is played by Paul Dano, director Matt Reeves keeps the character’s face hidden throughout the trailer. There were plenty of moments where Pattinson was seen taking on his adversaries in hand-to-hand combat, and in one scene, he walks into a room while facing incessant gunfire.
The trailer provides a more comprehensive first look at two other central characters. First among them is Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, who, true to comic-book form, has a penchant for hiding in plain sight in a series of wigs and is curious about the man behind Batman’s trademark cowl.
Michelle Pfeiffer has memorably played on screen in 1992’s “Batman Returns” and Anne Hathaway in 2012’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” But “The Batman” is the first repetition in the larger Batman franchise to lead with Catwoman’s introduction, matching the character’s place in the comic books as one of the most influential figures in his life.
Kravitz said she wanted to present a “real human being” with her take on Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman. “I understand the gravity of a character like this and what she means to so many people, but what felt really important was to really focus on the story that we’re telling at this moment and try to create a real human being. “I don’t; I don’t want her to be an idea. I want her to be a real human being in a real situation in a real city, trying to survive and reacting to her own pain. So, I really really focused on this particular story in this particular moment in this woman’s life,” she added.
DC Fandom was filled with plenty of new and exclusive content, but one of the most expected reveals during the event was the release of the brand-new trailer for The Batman. It’s been more than a year since the first trailer debuted online, and this new trailer offers an even better look at the latest movie featuring the caped crusader.
Fans get their best look yet at Paul Dano’s The Riddler, a complicated relationship with Zoë Kravitz’s Catwoman, and a fun chase scene with Colin Farrell’s The Penguin. The Batman is scheduled for release in the United States on March 4, 2022. Enjoy the full trailer below.