I woke up one night,
Found an angel above my head,
Came in front of me and held my hand tight,
Whispered a holy chant and said,
“You can travel and change your past, you have that might”
Excited, I jumped out of my bed.
Thought of making my past blunder free,
My face lit up with glee.
Closed my eyes I went in past,
Saw myself one year old,
“Do you think she will take her first step?” my mother asked,
“She may” my granny told.
Lost my balance, I fell down,
On my cheeks tears rolled,
“Oh! dear the upcoming challenges will make u feel down,
You need to be strong” my granny told.
The first fall is start of a new journey,
Where failures happen till the end,
Can be as bitter as hemlock, as sweet as honey,
Due to these flavors, our life is always on the mend.
Changing my mind,
I came back to time,
Learnt that mistakes and new experiences are combined,
These experiences make us wise, these mistakes are prime.
The scar of imperfection left its mark even on the diamond’s
But this imperfection is what it gives its unique shine.