
I’m sure you must have heard about some myths about sleep either from your family or from the big ol’ internet.

Well, today, we come to you with some fun debunking!

So come on! Let’s get to debunking some popular “sleep” myths!

1. More Sleep Is Always Better.

Nope. Don’t listen to this. Never ever think that this is true.

Sleep is goof until taken moderately. Too much or too less can put you in huge trouble.

Oversleeping will increase the chances of heart failure, obesity and let’s not forget the lethargic feeling. Sleep how much your body needs to. No less, no more.

So, maybe don’t ignore your alarm tomorrow!!

2. The Ability To Fall Asleep Anywhere and at Anytime Means You’re a “Good Sleeper”

If you are jealous of people with this “superpower”, just stop.

Sleeping anywhere, anytime, too quickly isn’t a superpower, but a symptom. This can be a sign of nacrolepsy, apnea(slowed or stopped breathing during sleep), circardian rythm disorder..

So if you are a suspiciously “Good Sleeper” then maybe set up a health checkup!

CIRCADIAN RYTHYM: It’s your body clock which works according the amount of light surrounding you. It’s maintained by SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS part of your Brain.

3. Napping Makes Up for lack of Sleep at Night

Naps are good for getting a slight energy boost in the middle of the day.

But never rely on these power naps thinking that your are making up for the night sleep you missed.

During Naps your body doesn’t goes through the different stages of sleep.

And if that happens get ready to welcome tons of health problems and the doctor’s fee. So, don’t forget to get insurance!!

4. Teens Don’t Sleep Enough Because They Choose To Stay up

t’s been reported that most of the teens around the world get less than enough sleep.

This is NOT because they are partying or binging shows but mostly because of the changes happening in the body. The Circadian Biological Clock in teens gets delayed (sleep phase delay).

Due to this the need for sleep is shifted by two hours and that’s what causes the “Night owl” character in teens.

5. If You Can’t Sleep, It’s Best To Stay in Bed Until You Fall Back Asleep.

There are a lots of times when you can’t sleep. It might because of over thinking, stress, uneasiness…And at such times your parents tell you to just stay in bed and you will eventually fall asleep.

But…this is wrong. According to many psycologistics (and maybe your personal experience too) staying in bed when not able to sleep will not make you fall asleep faster, it just does the opposite. 

So next time when you can’t fall asleep don’t stay in bed. Just get up do something relaxing in dimmed lights (avoid any electronic devices) for a few minutes(even though it may be hard) and then go back to bed.

6. Sleeping With the Lights on Is Harmless.

om with lights on can cause you to wake up in the middle of your sleep.

This will affect your body clock. Also Melatonin also called dark hormones is released by your pineal gland which helps to fall asleep. When light are on your Brain won’t be able to produce much of these hormones thereby making it difficult to fall asleep. 

Well good sleep is  really important for a healthy life. So next time you hear a myth about sleep don’t just believe it. Make sure to do your research



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