‘Body Shaming,’we’ve all come across this term, more often in recent times as this issue is being thrown more and more light on.
There’s this common misconception among people that body shaming is only when you make fun of or call someone out on their excessive weight which basically means calling someone fat.That’s actually referred to as fat shaming.Body shaming is also when u make fun of someone for being too skinny or too thin.It’s basically calling someone out on their body in a way that’s demeaning the person.These days even medium body sizes are not appreciated.It’s like no matter what size you are it’s never pleasing to society.It’s never enough to them.
We often don’t realise what maybe playful remarks or humourous statements can actually hurt a person.I understand that one doesn’t mean it in a way that is degrading but sometimes those statements may deeply affect a person’s mental health and confidence.We all have made such mistakes as kids by saying things like “You’ll blow away with the wind “ or “You’re like a literal stick” to our skinny friend in a joke sort of way.Or saying that our friend who’s on the healthier side can’t fit on the ride in the amusement park.I’ve made similar mistakes as a kid.It’s not too fair to hold it against one for that as kids are not mature enough to understand the pain their words can cause to a fellow human being.Simple things like being called out on eating too many sweets can be put in a better way.Instead of saying you’ll become fat if you eat too many sweets and that will make you ugly,one can say that it’s not good for your health.It’s always better to pick a more positive approach to saying things especially to young and growing children.
As we start growing up we need to mature and read up on things like this.At least basic reading so that we realise what is okay to say and what is not and more importantly what is the right way to say such things .Like saying things in a manner that is saying the truth but in a way that’s not demeaning.I’ve had my fair share of instances when I’ve come across educated grown adults with children of their own and good morals openly making fun of another kid for being on the healthier side or on the skinnier side.I’ve seen it first hand impact a child.It’s absolutely horrible to see grown adults cause such distress to young children.It causes such lack of self confidence and mental trauma to a child and it is absolutely not okay.Even teens can been seen bullying each other and making fun of each other for things like this on social media platforms which is very sad.
We need to remember that every body is beautiful valid and worthy and just because you are skinny,on the healthier side, obese etc it does not mean you are ugly.We must learn to encourage our friends,family,neighbours etc to be themselves without feeling the need to try and be how other people think they should look and be.It’s your body so it’s your choice and be proud of it.Remember that you are enough and beautiful and everyone has the right to be comfortable in their own skin.If you want to hit the gym, eat chocolate or become healthier go for it but not because someone else thinks you should.Do it for yourself.No matter what body type or size you are it’s important that you are taking care of your health and feel confident in your own skin.
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