First things first, if you have extremely painful period cramps, better consult a doctor. Not all suffer from painful periods, and that’s not normal. Relax! Let me make this one thing clear, EXTREMELY PAINFUL ONES MAY NOT BE NORMAL.
Since most females (around 97%) suffer from painful periods, we tend to take these things as “normal.”
Our uterus contracts to get rid of the impure blood and shed its lining (endometrium) during this period.
In this contraction, a number of muscles participate. And that’s when you may get cramps.
Lower abdominal cramping sensations and a little pain are “quite” normal since, during contractions, your body gets rid of blood products. Also, these contractions are triggered by a hormone-like substance, prostaglandins. The rise in the level of this compound has been associated with severe pains. So ya, this could be the reason why a small proportion of females do not have pain.
Getting cramps (especially extremely painful ones) shows that your muscles are weak, or another reason could be iron deficiency. Well, let’s now see what Ayurveda has to say. As per the Ayurveda, if you have painful periods, then this means that your body needs lubrication and is dry. It is possible that due to regular consumption of tea or coffee, junk, and packaged food, your body is dry and needs lubrication.
Intake of dry fruits in an excessive amount can also be in this list. The Ayurveda says that to lubricate yourself from within, use mustard oil and massage your nostrils and navel after having a bath. It is also advised to use sesame oil and massage your lower abdominal part 2-3 times a week. This could also tell why some have painless periods.
Endometriosis, a painful condition from which around 100 million females suffer. Here, the tissue lining the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus, for example, on ovaries, oviduct, etc. Such growth can be seen even outside the pelvic area in rare cases, e.g., intestines or lungs. In such cases, the period pain starts earlier and lasts even when the periods are over.
Pain is also experienced in the vagina, back, etc. Patients experience abdominal cramps. They may suffer from irregular periods, heavy or painful menstruation. But, don’t jump to conclusions. Nothing to worry about. Just seek a doctor.
In the end, I hope this article helped yall. Take care, girls! And I know how much these period cramps hurt (edited this in the peak of the pain) but trust me, it’ll all be fine.